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Version 1.2.4 ()
Email component

Email component

In this case it is not about a particular application but the email function in general.

How works

The component sends a new transaction through Mandrill using the Send API resource for each incoming message.


Environment variables

The component can be configured using the following environmental variables

Name Mandatory Description Values
MANDRILL_API_KEY true You can use API key provided by platform or generate it by yourself (required for custom component/installation) any string
MANDRILL_FROM_EMAIL false Sender email address any string
MANDRILL_FROM_NAME false Sender name any string
MANDRILL_URL false Base path and version of mandrill installation, by default any string
MAX_BODY_LENGTH false Maximum email message size (including attachments), 10485760 (10MB) by default any number

Please note: that you must verify your domain before using this component and configuring it with your environmental variables.

Technical Notes

The technical notes page gives some technical details about Email component like changelog.


This component has no trigger functions. This means it will not be accessible to select as a first component during the integration flow design.


Send Email

For each incoming message the component send a new transactional message through Mandrill using the Send new message API resource.


Configuration Fields

  • Do not throw an error when e-mail send failed - (checkbox, required): If checked, component will not throw an error when sending failed, details will be provided in output message.

Input Metadata

  • To - (string, required): The email address(es) for primary recipients, you can fill comma separated list
  • Cc - (string, optional): Comma separated list of E-mail addresses to receive a copy of the mail
  • Bcc - (string, optional): Comma separated list of E-mail addresses to receive a blind copy of the mail
  • Subject - (string, required): Subject of the E-mail
  • Body - (string, required): The content of the E-mail to be sent. If body is a JSON object/array, then it will be stringified
  • Attachments (array, optional): Series of objects with the following format:
    • Attachment URL (string, required): URL to file (platform storage or external)
    • Filename (string, required): Name of the attached file that will appear in the received email

Output Metadata

As a result of sending you will get object “results” which contain result entities of sending messages for each recipient, consists of:

  • To - (string): the email address of the recipient
  • RecipientType - (string): Type of recipient, possible values: to, cc, bcc
  • Message - (string): The sending status of the recipient, possible values: OK or QUEUED - if successful, REJECTED or INVALID on fail
  • MessageID - (string): The message’s unique id
  • SubmittedAt - (string): Date, when message was submitted in format - YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSSSSSZ
  • ErrorCode - (number): deprecated parameter, always 0

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