The HJSON is a JSON syntax extension that increases the readability of JSON documents. HJSON offers several changes to the way documents are written, such as the removal of different characters: commas, double quotes, and the ability to write comments right inside the document.
The HJSON component allows us to use this format on our platform. The component supports document transformation from HJSON to JSON and back. Accordingly, in general terms, we have only 2 scenarios for its use (JSON->HJSON and HJSON->JSON conversion). Also, the component supports the ability to work not only with inline-strings, but with attachments as well. That allows you to convert documents from one format to another without entering into the file.
This component has no trigger functions. This means it will not be accessible to select as a first component during the integration flow design.
Action to convert data from HJSON to JSON and vise verse
From Attachment
(url to platform storage) or From Inline
(simple inline input)Attachment
(attachment will be saved in platform storage and attachment description will be emitted) or Inline
(simple inline output)If Direction is HJSON to JSON & Output Format is Inline:
to URLIf Direction is HJSON to JSON & Output Format is Inline:
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