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Version 1.0.6 ()
HJSON component

HJSON component

A component to parse, validate, generate HJSON data for the platform.

Table of Contents

General information


The component is designed to parse, validate, and generate HJSON data on the integration platform. For more information on HJSON, visit

Environment variables







Convert Action

Action to convert data from HJSON to JSON and vise verse

Config Fields

  • Direction - (Dropdown, required): Direction to perform convert HJSON to JSON or JSON to HJSON
  • Input Format - (Dropdown, required): Input source for origin data. From Attachment (url to platform storage) or From Inline (simple inline input)
  • Output Format - (Dropdown, required): Output source for result data. Attachment (attachment will be saved in platform storage and attachment description will be emitted) or Inline (simple inline output)

    Input Metadata

    If Direction is HJSON to JSON & Output Format is Inline:

  • HJSON to convert - (object, required): JSON object If Direction is JSON to HJSON & Input Format is From Inline:
  • JSON to convert - (object, required): HJSON object If Input Format is From Attachment:
  • Attachment URL - (string, required): url to attachment from platform storage. If Maester attachment URL provided - do not forget to append ?storage_type=maester to URL

Output Metadata

If Direction is HJSON to JSON & Output Format is Inline:

  • Resulting JSON - (object, required): JSON object If Direction is JSON to HJSON & Input Format is From Inline:
  • Resulting HJSON - (string, required): HJSON object If Output Format is Attachment:
  • Attachment Url - (string, required): Url for attachment saved in platform storage
  • Size - (positive integer, required): Size in bytes
  • Type - (string, required): Either .json or .hjson
  • Content-Type - (string, required): Either application/json or application/hjson
  • Attachment Creation Time - (timestamp, required): Timestamp, when the attachment was created

Known Limitations


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