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Quickbooks component

Quickbooks component

QuickBooks is a software to manage sales and expenses, and keep track of daily transactions.

QuickBooks Component

Table of Contents


QuickBooks Component is designed to interact with QuickBooks Online Accounting API


Quickbooks service uses OAuth 2.0 authorization. More Info

Below are the steps to obtain and configure your QuickBooks credentials:

  1. Create a QuickBooks Developer Account
  2. Create an App:
    • Once logged in, go to the Dashboard section.
    • Click Create an App and choose QuickBooks Online and Payments as the platform.
    • Fill in the required details for your app.
  3. Obtain API Keys. After creating the app, you’ll have access to the following credentials in your app’s settings:
    • Client ID: This is the unique identifier for your application.
    • Client Secret: A confidential key used to authenticate your app.
    • Redirect URI: URL where users will be redirected after authentication.
  4. Set Redirect URIs
    • Add Authorized redirect URI as: https://{your-tenant-address}/callback/oauth2

To configure Production Credentials go to your app’s settings and click Production Settings -> Keys & credentials

Now you can create new credentials for the component:

  • Type (dropdown, required) - OAuth2
  • Choose Auth Client (dropdown, required) - select one of created before or Add New Auth Client:
    • Name (string, required) - provide any name you want
    • Client ID (string, required) - put here Client ID from Keys & credentials section
    • Client Secret (string, required) - put here Client Secret from from Keys & credentials section
    • Authorization Endpoint (string, required) - QuickBooks authorization endpoint
    • Token Endpoint (string, required) - QuickBooks refresh token endpoint
  • Name Your Credential (string, required) - provide any name you want
  • Scopes (Comma-separated list) (string, required) - Put here needed scopes - More info
  • Company ID (string, required) - ID of the company you want to access.
  • Environment (dropdown, required) - Select the environment: sandbox (development) or production.
  • Minor API version (string, oprional) - This field represents current API minor version.
  • Number of retries (number, optional, 5 by default) - How many times component should retry to make request
  • Delay between retries (number ms, optional, 10000 by default) - How much time wait until new try


Get New and Updated Objects Polling

Retrieve all the updated objects within a given time range.

Configuration Fields

  • Object Type - (dropdown, required): Select one of the available object types to pull on.
  • Time stamp field to poll on - (dropdown, required): Select the date field to track changes.
  • Emit Behavior - (dropdown, optional, default Emit individually): Defines the way result objects will be emitted, one of Emit page or Emit individually.
  • Page Size - (number, optional, defaults to 100, max 100): Indicates the size of pages to be fetched per request.
  • Start Time - (string, optional): The timestamp, in ISO8601 format, to start polling from (inclusive). The default value is the beginning of time (January 1, 1970 at 00:00.000).

Input Metadata


Output Metadata

  • For Fetch page: An object with key results that has an array as its value
  • For Emit Individually: Each object fill the entire message


Make Raw Request

Executes custom request.

Configuration Fields

  • Don’t throw error on 404 Response - (optional, boolean): Treat 404 HTTP responses not as error, defaults to false.

Input Metadata

  • Url - (string, required): Path of the resource relative to the base URL.
  • Method - (string, required): HTTP verb to use in the request, one of GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH.
  • Request Body - (object, optional): Body of the request to send.

Output Metadata

  • Status Code - (number, required): HTTP status code of the response.
  • HTTP headers - (object, required): HTTP headers of the response.
  • Response Body - (object, optional): HTTP response body.

Known limitations

  1. The QuickBooks API has some limitations for a request number:
    • Sandbox servers: Throttled at 100 requests per minute, per individual app.
    • Production servers: Throttled to 500 requests per minute, per realm ID. More info on limitations
  2. Metadata Most field of Quick Books entities are optionally required - they are NOT marked in EIO web so be careful and check the QB docs before building a request.

Additional info

QuickBooks Online REST API documentation

All entities, fields and parameters provided by QuickBooks Online API

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