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Zoho CRM component

Zoho CRM component

A component that connects to Zoho CRM API.

Table of Contents


A component that connects to Zoho CRM API.

Environment variables

Name Mandatory Description Values
REQUEST_MAX_RETRY false Set how many time system try to make request to API on errors (3 by default) min: 0, max: 10

The optional environment variable MAX_FILE_SIZE could be set in settings to provide the maximum file size for attachments in megabytes (mb). The default value for MAX_FILE_SIZE is 100MB.


Authentication occurs via OAuth 2.0.

In order to make OAuth work, you need a new Client in your Zoho Developer Console.

More information you can find here.

For creating Auth Client you should specify following fields:

Field name Mandatory Description
Client Name true your Auth Client’s name (any)
Homepage URL true https://{installation-url}
Authorized Redirect URIs true https:/{installation-url}/callback/oauth2

You will receive next fields: Client ID, Client Secret.

In order to setup created Auth Client on platform you should click on Add New Auth Client, and fill next fields:

  • Name - Name your Auth Client’s name (any).
  • Client ID - Your Client ID from Zoho Developer Console.
  • Client Secret - Your Client Secret from Zoho Developer Console
  • Authorization Endpoint - Zoho Accounts URL-based auth url + parameter access_type with value offline (needed for refresh token to be present).

Documentation. Examples:

  • For US:
  • For AU:
  • For EU:
  • For IN:
  • For CN:
  • Token Endpoint - Zoho Accounts URL-based token url. Documentation. Examples:
  • For US:
  • For AU:
  • For EU:
  • For IN:
  • For CN:

Save client and then:

Please Note: pay attention to the scope of the operations you are going to use. If the provided scope does not satisfy Zoho API requirements the request will fail (E.g. with 400 code - Request failed with status code 400).

A few (not a comprehensive list, just a few examples!) most used scopes:

  1. ZohoCRM.settings.ALL. Recommended by default. Is required to get a list of modules (Object types). Is used in all the actions and triggers except for the Raw Request action.
  2. ZohoCRM.modules.ALL. Recommended by default.
  3. ZohoCRM.users.ALL. Required to communicate with the Users module.
  4. ZohoCRM.coql.READ. Required for Lookup objects (plural) action as it uses COQL queries under the hood.

Multiple scopes can be applied with the comma as a separator.

Please Note: that whitespaces between scopes are not allowed!

E.g.: ZohoCRM.settings.ALL,ZohoCRM.modules.ALL,ZohoCRM.users.ALL.

Credentials Fields

  • API version - You may also need to specify the version of the API to be used in the component. The component has been tested with v2, but you can set it to any version as required.


Get New and Updated Objects

Config Fields

  • Object Type Dropdown: Indicates Object Type to be fetched.
  • Fields in resulting object - Multiselect Dropdown: Select the fields that will be included in the resulting object. If you are using v2, all fields will be included by default; otherwise, only the Field to poll will be included. Please note that you can include a maximum of 49 field names in this parameter.
  • Emit behavior Dropdown: Indicates behavior to emit result objects: Emit individually or Emit page.
  • Field to poll Dropdown: Indicates field to poll (new objects or modified objects).
  • Start Time - TextField (string, optional): Indicates the beginning time to start retrieving events from.
  • End Time - TextField (string, optional, defaults to never): If provided, don’t fetch records modified after this time.
  • Size of Polling Page - TextField (optional, positive integer, defaults to 200): Indicates the size of pages to be fetched.
  • Process Pages Consistently - Checkbox: Indicates that pages will be processed one by one, without waiting next flow run. Defaults to false.

Input Metadata

There is no Input Metadata.

Output Metadata

If Emit behavior = Emit individually: dynamically generated properties according to selected Object Type. If Emit behavior = Emit page:

  • results Array with items: dynamically generated properties according to selected Object Type.


Raw Request

Action to call any Zoho-crm API endpoint.

Please Note: when you are trying to get some object by id, in case no object found - Zoho API will return empty body and statusCode 204.

Input Metadata

  • Url - The path of the resource relative to the URL base (e.g., This parameter is required. For instance, you might use /crm/v2/leads. You may also omit the version if it is included in the credentials, such as using /leads. In some cases you may also use JSONata $encodeUrlComponent() function - for example to encode email address for the search query.
  • Method - Allowed values GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, required. HTTP verb to use in the request.
  • Request Body - Body of the request to send

Refer to the Zoho API docs to build a request.

Request example:

  "method": "GET",
  "url": "/crm/v2/Contacts/search?criteria=(("

Same as:

  "method": "GET",
  "url": "/Contacts/search?criteria=(("

Using encodeUrlComponent function on email:

  "method": "GET",
  "url": "/crm/v2/Contacts/search?criteria=((Email:equals:" & $encodeUrlComponent("") & "))"


Action to insert or update a record. The system checks for duplicate records based on the duplicate check field’s values. If the record is already present, it gets updated. If not, the record is inserted. Note: you can add only system-defined duplicate check fields and user-defined unique fields. If you do not specify the Duplicate field checks, the system checks for duplicate records in this order: “system-defined duplicate check fields” > “user-defined unique fields”.

Config Fields

  • Object Type Dropdown: Indicates Object Type to be upserted.
  • Duplicate field checks Multiselect dropdown: Indicates for system which fields to check for duplicate records.

Input Metadata

  • Attachments Array of objects with properties attachmentUrl and fileName. Where attachmentUrl: Steward/Maester URL containing the file contents to upload. Example: [{“attachmentUrl”: “http://steward-service.platform.svc.cluster.local:8200/v2/objects/b9a6a95f-fc68-4ae7-aa2b-22717979bf1b”, “fileName”: “myimage.png”}]. Other fields are dynamically generated.

Lookup object (at most one)

Action designed to lookup one object by unique field.

Config Fields

  • Object Type Dropdown: Indicates Object Type to be fetched.
  • ID to Search On Dropdown: Indicates unique field to search on.
  • Allow ID to be omitted Checkbox: When selected, the ID field becomes optional, otherwise it is a required field.
  • Allow zero results Checkbox: When selected, if zero results are returned, the empty object {} is emitted, otherwise typically an error would be thrown.

Input Metadata

  • ID value Textfield: value for ID to Search On (unique field value by itself).
  • Fetch Attachments Boolean: If true attachments will saved to storage. Result array for attachments consists of objects with properties maesterStorageId and attachmentUrl. Where attachmentUrl - url to attachment in Zoho CRM. Attachments of size bigger than MAX_FILE_SIZE ENV will be skipped.

Lookup Set Of Objects By Unique Criteria

Action designed to lookup set of objects by unique field.

Config Fields

  • Object Type Dropdown: Indicates Object Type to search.
  • ID to Search On Dropdown: Indicates unique field to search on.

Input Metadata

  • Id Values to Lookup An array where each item is an ID. Required.

Output Metadata

The expected output is an object with a resultsDictionary property. The value of this resultsDictionary will be a dictionary where the keys are the lookup identity, and the key is the corresponding object.

Lookup objects (plural)

Action designed to lookup objects.

Config Fields

  • Object type Dropdown, required: Indicates Object type to be fetched.
  • Emit behavior Dropdown, required: Indicates flow behavior. One of Fetch All, Fetch Page, Emit Individually.

Please Note: an empty array results will be emitted when no objects are found for all possible Emit behavior options.

Input Metadata

  • Search Criteria Array, required: Array of sql search terms. Search terms are to be combined with the AND operator. Example: [“Email=’’”, “First_Name=’user name’”].
  • Fetch Attachments Boolean: If true attachments will saved to storage. Result array for attachments consists of objects with properties maesterStorageId and attachmentUrl. Where attachmentUrl - url to attachment in Zoho CRM. Attachments of size bigger than MAX_FILE_SIZE ENV will be skipped. NEXT FIELDS ONLY FOR Fetch Page Emit behavior:
  • Page Number Integer: Indicates amount of pages to be fetched. Defaults to 0.
  • Page Size Integer: Indicates the size of pages to be fetched. Defaults to Zoho Default Page Size of 200.
  • Order String: Indicates Field and direction to order objects. Examples: “Email ASC”, “First_Name DESC”.

Output Metadata

Dynamically generated.

Delete object

Action designed to delete object.

Config Fields

  • Object type Dropdown, required: Indicates Object type to be fetched.
  • ID to Search On Dropdown: Indicates unique field to search on.

Input Metadata

  • ID value Textfield: value for ID to Search On (unique field value by itself).

Output Metadata

The expected output is an object with a id property. id value stands for id of delete object.

Known limitations

  • External id is not supported.

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