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Memory Configurations

This document provides information on how to configure default memory and CPU limits. In case a Component tries to consume more memory than the configured limit, the Platform will stop the pod. If the problem persists for XXX times in YYY minutes, the task gets suspended. These XXX and YYY values are configured in Wiper.

  1. List of Environment Variables per Installation
  2. List of Environment Variables per Component

List of Environment Variables per Installation

The table below contains the default environment variables set per installation, their recommended values and their descriptions. These values are recommended as optimal for a default platform installation, and are configured in values.yaml file of HELM3 deployment. In case the environment variables were set per component, they override those set configured for installation.

Environment Variable Value Description
COMPONENT_MEM_DEFAULT 205 Sets the default memory value in MB for a Component pod per installation.
COMPONENT_MEM_DEFAULT_LIMIT 256 Sets the maximum memory value in MB for a Component pod per installation.
COMPONENT_MEM_JAVA 512 Sets the default memory value in MB for a Java component pod per installation.
COMPONENT_MEM_JAVA_LIMIT 512 Sets the maximum memory value in MB for a Java component pod per installation.
COMPONENT_CPU 0.1 Sets the default CPU value for a Component pod per installation.
COMPONENT_CPU_LIMIT 1 Sets the maximum CPU value for a Component pod per installation.

Note that values for Java Components are higher than those for other Components, as typically Java Components require more resources.

List of Environment Variables per Component

The table below contains the default environment variables set per Component and their descriptions. These environment variables should be configured for components that require exceptions from default values. They will override the values set per installation.

Environment Variable Description
EIO_REQUIRED_RAM_MB Sets the memory value in MB for a Component pod.
EIO_REQUIRED_RAM_MB_FLOW_${} Sets the maximum memory value in MB for a Component pod per Flow. Note: ${} is a variable for your Flow ID.

To set the custom RAM memory limits on your component open its repository and click on the Enviroment variables link. Env var repo

We have set recommendations for each component for the minimum amount of RAM memory to use EIO_REQUIRED_RAM_MB. Check if your component has such requirement and set it accordingly by clicking Create a new variable button. Env vars

To set the custom RAM memory limit for one flow, consider using EIO_REQUIRED_RAM_MB_FLOW_${} environment variable. This way the component will use more RAM memory only in specified flow and you will not suddenly increase the RAM memory consumption for every flow that uses the component. Edit Env var

Please Note: Increase environment variable only as a last resort. The maximum allowed platform value on allocated and requested processing memory (RAM) for each pod in the Kubernetes cluster is 4GB (4096). Consider increasing memory incrementally, by adjusting and testing your flow. For RAM increases on platform components, contact support to discuss your use case.