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Vtex component

Vtex component

The Vtex iPaaS component that connects to VTEX API

General information

The Vtex iPaaS component that connects to VTEX API


  • App Key* (string, required) - VTEX AppKey
  • App Token* (string, required) - VTEX AppToken
  • URL (string, required) - Base url of your VTEX installation (e.g. or bestpartnerbr)

Please Note: To generate app keys in your account, you should follow the instructions seen in the Application Keys article in VTEX Help Center.


Get New And Updated Objects Polling

Polls VTEX API for new and updated objects.

Configuration Fields

  • Object Type - (required, dropdown) currently supported only Customers object.
  • Time stamp field to poll on - (required, dropdown) Indicates just new items, modified or new and modified items: Created, Updated or Last interaction.


  • If you select Updated option - only updated objects will be polled, VTEX API fills updatedIn field only if you change object, for created object this field is empty, use Last interaction if you need both
  • According to VTEX documentation you can execute only one trigger at the same time
  • If you make update on object without actually changing it VTEX will not return it


Make Raw Request

Executes custom request

Make Raw Request

Configuration Fields

  • Don’t throw error on 404 Response - (optional, boolean) Treat 404 HTTP responses not as error, defaults to false.

Input Metadata

  • Url - (string, required) Path of the resource relative to the base URL.
  • Method (string, required) - Allowed values GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE. HTTP verb to use in the request.
  • Request Body - (object, optional) Body of the request to send.

Output Metadata

  • Status Code - (number, required) HTTP status code of the response, required.
  • Response Body - (object, optional) HTTP response body.

Lookup Objects (Plural)

Provides the possibility to obtain multiple objects from the server by passing in some unique criteria for finding objects and retrieving them.

Lookup Objects (Plural)

Configuration Fields

  • Object Type: (dropdown, required). One of Customers, Orders or Products.

Please Note: For now this action supports only Orders Object Type.

  • Behavior: (dropdown, required). Indicates in what manner the action will fetch and retrieve the requested objects. Available options: Fetch All, Fetch Page, Emit Individually.

Input Metadata

  • Page Size: (number, optional). Value between 0 and 30, defaults to 15 - page size used by API. Applicable only in Fetch Page mode. A value of 0 indicates that the results will be an empty array with only totalCountOfMatchingResults property populated.
  • Page Number: (number, optional). The number of the page. non-negative, defaults to 0. Used only in Fetch Page mode.
  • Order: (array, optional). Array of strings OrderField and orderType (sort direction) pairs, separated by coma, defaults to empty array. Can be seen only if it’s the Fetch Page mode. Array of strings representation: ['OrderField,orderType','OrderField,orderType']. Order Field expected values: creationDate, orderId, items, totalValue and origin. Order Type expected values: asc and desc. For example: ['totalValue,desc','creationDate,asc'].
  • Search Criteria: (array, optional). Search terms to be combined, defaults to empty array. Example: ["fieldName,fieldValue","fieldName,fieldValue"].

Output Metadata

Depending on the Behavior it can be:

  • Fetch Page mode: An object with key results that has an array of object as its value, and key totalCountOfMatchingResults which contains the total number of results (not just on the page), which match the search criteria.
  • Fetch All mode: an object, with key results that has an array as its value.
  • Emit Individually mode: each object that fills the entire message.

Please Note: When the user passes search criteria that doesn’t match any objects - an empty array inside the object is returned as the results: [], with additional field totalCountOfMatchingResults: 0

Lookup Object (at Most 1)

Provides the possibility to obtain single object from the server by passing in some unique criteria.

Lookup Object (at Most 1)

Configuration Fields

  • Object Type: (dropdown, required) - Select object that you want to look up. One of Customers, Orders or Products
  • Search Criteria: (dropdown, required) - Uniq field that used as search criteria. For customers - Email or VTEX ID, For Orders - VTEX ID, For Products - SKU or VTEX ID
  • Allow ID to be omitted: (checkbox, optional) - when selected, the ID field becomes optional, otherwise it is a required field
  • Allow zero results: (checkbox, optional) - when selected, if zero results are returned, the empty object {} is emitted, otherwise an error would be thrown.

Input Metadata

  • Value of search criteria for selected object type

Output Metadata

Selected object that fills the entire message

Lookup Set Of Objects By Unique Criteria

Action to bulk map product SKUs to VTEX product IDs and backward

Lookup Set Of Objects By Unique Criteria

Please Note: If no objects found - error will be thrown

Input fields description

  • Object type - a dropdown list where you should choose the object type, which you want to lookup. E.g. Products;
  • Conversion direction - a dropdown list where you should choose direction for conversion: SKU -> VTEX ID or VTEX ID -> SKU;

Input Metadata description

If Conversion direction is set to SKU -> VTEX ID:

  • List of SKUs to map (array, required) - list of SKUs values to map. E.g [1, 2, 3] If Conversion direction is set to VTEX ID -> SKU:
  • VTEX product IDs to map (array, required) - list of IDs values to map. E.g [1, 2, 3]

Output Metadata description

  • results (object, required) - An object which contains: If Conversion direction is set to SKU -> VTEX ID then SKU as key and VTEX ID as value If Conversion direction is set to VTEX ID -> SKU then VTEX ID as key and SKU as value

Upsert Object

Allows upsert object by chosen schema

Upsert Object

Configuration Fields

  • Object Type - (dropdown, required) Object-type to upsert. E.g Customers
  • Upsert Schema - (dropdown, required) Schema to validate object.

Please Note: Customers upsert requires an email field to be filled, so schemas are additionally filtered, and schemas with the required email field are shown only.

Input Metadata

  • ID - (string, optional) ID of the object to upsert And dynamically generated fields according to chosen Upsert Schema

Output Metadata

Dynamically generated fields according to chosen Upsert Schema

Place Order

Placing an order from an existing cart to VTEX. Documentation:

Place Order

Input Metadata

Order schema


Result Object: contains orderGroup key which could be taken as ID for Lookup Object (at Most 1) action. For example it could mapped to the next step as orderGroup-01.

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