Managing Flows

This document provides information on Flow management, namely the following actions:

All actions are available to users with the corresponding permissions.

Start, Stop, Edit, Suspend, Delete

These basic actions may be done via the UI, and via the API. Note that when you start a Flow, the latest Flow version is used.

Start, Stop, Edit, Suspend, Delete via the UI

To start, stop, edit, suspend and delete a Flow via the UI, navigate to Flows. Here you can see all your Flows, identify the required stopped Flow by name (1) and start (2) it:

Start flow

Also you can run Flow on demand (1) or stop (2) a started Flow:

Run or stop

Edit or delete the Flow by opening the settings menu (1) of the selected Flow, and clicking Edit Flow (2), Suspend Flow (3) or Delete Flow (4):

Settings menu

Alternatively, you can navigate to the Flow itself by clicking on its name:

Click on flows name

Then click the corresponding buttons to start (1), edit (2) or delete (4) Flow. You can also update all components by clicking (3).

Corresponding buttons

In case you need to stop a running Flow, click the Stop Flow (1) button. Or if you want suspend flow, click Suspend Flow button (2). Also you can immediately start this flow by click Run Now button (3):

Stop a running Flow

It is important to remember, that every time you change a flow, you create a draft of that flow to make the changes. Please note that you can work with a draft not only via UI, but also using API calls. All necessary information on this topic can be found in our API documentation

Start, Stop, Edit, Suspend, Delete via the API

By following the link below, you will learn how to perform the functions described above using API Calls:

1. Start a Flow via the API.

2. Stop a Flow via the API.

3. Delete a Flow via the API.

4. Suspend a Flow via the API.

5. Edit a Flow to some extent via the API.

6. Retrieve a flow by ID.

Restoring Deleted Flow

If you accidentally delete a Flow you need, you can restore it for some time after deletion.

The amount of time during which Flow can be restored is set by the installation environment variable. By default, this parameter is equivalent to 48 hours.

If you have Tenant-Admin rights, you can use these two endpoints to find and restore access to Flow:

1. List deleted Flows

2. Restore deleted Flow by ID

If you do not have Tenant-Admin rights, please contact support and describe the flow you need to restore.

Filtering, Sorting Flows

The Flows tab provides a wide range of managment tools: Searching, Filtering and Sorting Flows in Workspace.

Filtering Sorting

You can:

  1. Search Flow (1) by name via Search bar
  2. Filter Flows (2) by Creator via dropdown menu
  3. Filter Flows (3) by Status: Active, Stopped, Suspended
  4. Filter Flows (4) by Flow type: Ordinary or Real-Time
  5. Filter Flows (5) by content of certain components in Flow
  6. Filter flows (6) via checkbox only Flows having Draft
  7. Sort Flows (7) by creation date, by update date and alphabetical order and reverse alphabetical order
  8. You can also switch (8) between Flow display modes in Grid or a List:


    Note: You can observe all active filters in the tooltips that appear below: Filtering_tooltips

  9. You can Export multiple Flows or Export multiple Flows to Recipes (9).

Copy Flow, Switch Flow Type

To copy a Flow within the same Workspace, navigate to see your Flows. Then click on the corresponding icon to open the settings menu of the selected Flow:

Delete flow

Alternatively, you can navigate to the Flow itself by clicking on its name:

Navigate to the flow

Then switch to Implement tab (1) and click the command (2) to copy it to clipboard, and create a copy of the Flow via the API:

Implement tab

As a result, you get a copy of your Flow:

Flow copy

Note: If you need to publish a Flow not in the current Workspace, you can use the Export Flow(s) feature, which is described in detail here.

To switch between real-time and ordinary types, navigate to see your Flows. Then click on the corresponding icon to open the settings menu of the selected Flow:

Switch to real-time

Switching back works the same way. Alternatively, you can navigate to the Flow itself by clicking on its name, switch to Settings tab (1), scroll down and toggle the corresponding switch (2):

Settings - Switch to real-time

Note, that you can only switch Flow type if there’s at least one published Flow version, and it is not running.

Subscribe to Errors

You can order the platform to send you emails in case of any errors in your running Flow. The platform will automatically sign you up for errors subscription if you are a Flow creator. With some errors, messaging interval is one email per hour, while with others its one per 24 hours. This interval is hard-coded and cannot be configured. You can always unsubscribe from notifications or subscribe to notifications from Flow of which you are not a creator by the method described below.

To subscribe to errors, use the settings menu (1) of the corresponding Flow and click Subscribe to Errors (2):

Subscribe to Errors

Unsubscribing works the same way.

Note: With the appropriate permissions you can change the default contract behavior by turning off the automatic error subscription feature.


To schedule your Flow via CRON expressions, you need to be in drafting mode. You can turn it on by editing the Flow. While editing the Flow, switch to Settings tab (1), use CRON expression to schedule the Flow (2), and click Save (3):

Settings - Scheduling

The default CRON expression is */10 * * * *, meaning “Every 10 minutes”.

Note: The default value of this parameter can be changed by configuring the internal environment variable SCHEDULER_TASK_POLLING_INTERVAL.

The positions in the expression from left to right represent:

  • Minutes (allowed values: from 0 to 59)
  • Hours (allowed values: from 0 to 23)
  • Days of the month (allowed values: from 1 to 31)
  • Months (allowed values: from 1 to 12 or from JAN to DEC)
  • Days of the week (allowed values: from 0 to 6 or from MON to SUN)

The month and weekday abbreviations are not case-sensitive. Also, the following special characters are in use:

  • * - wildcard, means any value

EXAMPLE: * * * * * means every minute of every day of every week, etc.

  • , - value list separator

EXAMPLE: * * * * MON,WED,FRI means every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

  • - - defines a range of values

EXAMPLE: * 2-5 * * * means every hour between 2 and 5 AM.

  • / - specifies repetition steps

EXAMPLE: * * * */2 * means every two months.

Feel free to use the hint below the CRON expression field for reference. Otherwise, you can always click Run Now or use POST{FLOW_ID}/run-now request to run the Flow on demand.

If the CRON expression was written properly, you’ll see your schedule in the Next Occurrences:

Next Occurrences

Flow Versioning

The Platform allows you to create different versions of a Flow and switch between them if required. There are two general Flow states in Flow creation process: draft mode and published version. Every time you publish a draft, you create a new Flow version.

In the draft state you can edit or add steps, verify credentials, retrieve data samples and configure CRON expressions. When everything is ready, you should publish the draft before you can run the Flow. A new draft is created when you create a new Flow, or edit an existing one. If a draft is created for an existing Flow, it does not affect the Flow until it is published. To publish a draft, use the corresponding button:

Publish draft

Note, that you need to finish all the steps for the button to become active.

Each published (1) draft is, basically, a separate version of the Flow. All the versions are listed in History tab (2). Once you publish the Flow, you can then revert to the any other published version (3).

Select the required version

Then edit it to create a draft, and publish this draft so it becomes the latest Flow version.

Please note that you can see all versions of a particular flow not only on the platform Ui itself, but also with the corresponding API endpoint

You can work on one draft of a given Flow at a time. If you try to create another one, the Platform will ask you if you want to overwrite the existing one. Remember that a draft can only become a new version of a Flow if you publish it. It is possible to publish drafts of active and stopped Flows. In case you publish a draft of an active Flow, it will stop immediately, and then restart from scratch as a new version.

Parallel Processing

Parallel Processing (also known as a prefetch count) - the number of messages that will be consumed at once, and will be processed in one execution in a parallel-sequential way. It means that at one point in time step will be working on one message but as soon as it is waiting for some IO operation it will start processing another message. The default value is 1, increasing the prefetch count should help for integration flows that have a considerable amount of messages in the queue.

Note: that the processing speed is not linear to the Parallel Processing configuration.

Parallel processing can be configured via the UI and the API.

1. To configure parallel processing via the UI, use Advanced Settings section in Step Summary tab:

Advanced Settings

Note: the changes will be applied after clicking the Finish Step button.

2. To configure parallel processing via the API, use prefetch field as a parameter to nodeConfig section of the /v2/flows endpoint. The Mapper-Step gets the same prefetch as the previous Step.


"attributes": {
        "nodes_config": {
            "step_1": {
                "prefetch": 4

Reset Snapshot

A Snapshot is the data saved by a Component during its execution. When the Component is run next time, it will read the Snapshot to continue the process from the point it finished last time. You can manually reset this Snapshot, so the Component starts from scratch next time. Note that you can only reset Snapshot for a stopped Flow. To do this, click the settings button on the Flow (1), and select Reset Snapshot (2):

Reset Snapshot

This is the only way to delete an existing snapshot via UI. You can also use the appropriate API Call for this.