Product Update - v21.35

Details of the product update v21.35 from 2nd of September 2021.

Improvements and Updates

Deprecated components

Starting from the release 21.35 you can not choose the deprecated components to build your integration flows. The following rules will apply:

  • The platform will not show the deprecated components in the designer when adding a new step.
  • For the existing flow steps where deprecated components are used, the platform will show these components until you choose another component instead. After this the deprecated component would be hidden.
  • The platform will not show the deprecated component in the credentials section unless you still have credentials associated with them.

Improvements for input fields

While mapping the values the platform UI used to hide the buttons below the input fields for switching between mapping modes (integrator/JSONata) and the mapping preview. You could see these buttons only when you move you mouse over the input fields.

With 21.35 release the mapping modes and previous buttons show permanently.

Input field before and after.


We are in middle of constantly improving various aspects of HELM3 deployments in collaborations with our partners. These are updates and improvements done in this round.

Support for AKS logs and metrics

To support metrics collection in case when the containered runtime is used (for example AKS) in your cluster, we introduce a new global.containerRuntime parameter to HELM3 charts (global values.yaml). It can have two values docker (default) or containerd.

With the platform version 21.35 we added an improved logs and metrics collection for AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) based clusters. To enable it set the parameter global.containerRuntime to containerd instead of the default docker.

PSS deprecation finalisation

In the last release we reported about PSS deprecation. With the current 21.35 we complete the process by making the PSS dependence optional.

  • For the existing installation the PSS service will become read-only. Meaning you can read the stored files only, not write. For this purpose you must keep as true in the HELM3 configuration.
  • All new platform installations will not have the PSS service.
  • In cases when you use s3 for the docker registry and the PSS is disabled (the default), the associated pv/pvc will not be created.

Redis Sentinel support

With 21.35 we introduce support for Redis Sentinel as en external redis for the Maester and other internal caching solutions. To use it, ensure related*_REDIS_URI value is not set and the new values for connecting to Sentinel are correctly set. Here are the newly introduced HELM3 values and their descriptions:

  • - Configuration for our caching solution based on Redis. List of sentinels to connect to. Format: array of objects with host and port values.
  • - Configuration for internal caching solution based on Redis. Identifies a group of Redis instances composed of a master and one or more slaves.
  • - Configuration for internal caching solution based on Redis. Password to authenticate with Sentinel.
  • - Maester’s Redis configuration. List of sentinels to connect to. Format: array of objects with host and port values.
  • - Maester’s Redis configuration. Identifies a group of Redis instances composed of a master and one or more slaves.
  • - Maester’s Redis configuration. Password to authenticate with Sentinel.

News in this section are for our customers who use OEM version of the platform.

Optional VPN and old Agents

If the platform services bloody-gate and knight-of-the-bloody-gate are not deployed the agents section, as well as possibility to select Agent while creating credentials will not show on UI. The platform will not accept calls to /v2/agents/vpn API endpoint as well.

Fixed Bugs

  • Addressed the problem when it was not possible to export the flow to recipe in the same workspace if flow contained components with a Team visibility.


No new development were made for components in the release 21.35.