Product Update - v22.34

Details of the product update v22.34 from 25th of August 2022.

Improvements and Updates

Informative error messaging for invalid SSH key entries

When we introduced support for newest SSH versions for the user SSH keys used to deploy components, we deprecated the old ssh-dss types. If users enter an unsupported or incorrect SSH the user interface now displays an informative error message instead of simply disabling the ‘Save’ button.

SSH Key screen in case of Error

Deployment of Externally Build Dockers

This capability will provide an alternative to Git push deployment of user developed components and is of interest to enterprise clients wishing to condense entire integration flows into single custom components and maintain control at the docker level.

At this earliest stages we lay our groundwork by updating the component commons and api to support components pull from external docker registries. The following new attributes were added:

  • docker_registry object into the HTTP POST call to /v2/teams/
    • attributes.docker_registry.uri - Docker Registry URI
    • attributes.docker_registry.credentials - Docker Registry credentials
  • docker_repo_name and docker_target_tag in the POST HTTP call to /v2/components (can be set if its team has docker_registry object)
    • attributes.docker_repo_name - String representing component’s name in docker registry. Available only if team supports docker registry
    • attributes.docker_target_tag - String representing component’s tag in docker registry. Available only if team supports docker registry

Please note, as of this stage these attributes have no functionality attached to them.


We constantly improve different aspects of HELM3 deployments in collaboration with our partners. This section lists updates and improvements included in this release.

Dashboard Runlog retention period

The flow execution statistics presented on the Dashboard Runlog are stored in the platform Mongo Database. This is in contrast to the flow execution threads, shown on the Executions pages, which are stored separately in Clickhouse.

When you access the Dashboard Runlog, the platform queries the MongoDB to get these records. These database calls can delay display of the runlog for users with many active flows. To enable users to manage such circumstances we have added an environment variable which defines the retention period of runlogs in the database.

Previously you could only control the retention period by enforcing the expireAfterSeconds option in the Database index holding the execution records. In this release we introduce a new TASK_STAT_START_INDEX_TTL environment variable to the HELM3 charts, which you can use to set retention suitable for your environment. It is mandatory that a value is set for TASK_STAT_START_INDEX_TTL and the default value is set at 432000 seconds (5 days). Which means the platform will store the Dashboard Runlog records for 5 days in the Database.

Breaking Changes

Setting the TASK_STAT_START_INDEX_TTL environment variable to control the retention period of the Dashboard Runlog is recommended for the new installations of the platform.

If your platform installation already has the retention period set in the Database prior to your installation of the platform 22.34 version then your environment variable will not be applied. If you need to change the value you must change the Database index setup prior to the deployment of the current release.

If you need to change the retention period of Dashboard runlogs in the future, remove the expireAfterSeconds option of the Database index containing the Dashboard Runlog records, set the value of TASK_STAT_START_INDEX_TTL environment variable and then deploy the platform version again.

Kubernetes 1.22

Our platform is now compatible with the Kubernetes version 1.22. Check out the new features enabled here.

MongoDB Transport Layer Security verification is enforceable

You can now enforce MongoDB TLS verification in all platform services by using newly introduced HELM3 chart configurations:

  • - secret name with the TLS certificate and key. If specified, will be mounted to the services and specified in the tlsCertificateKeyFile connection option.
  • - secret name with CA certificate to validate MongoDB server certificate on the client side. If specified, will be mounted to the services and specified in the tlsCAFile connection option.

Information in this section is intended for our customers who use the OEM version of the platform.

Embedded credential management for OEM End Users

Here we present further improvements to the recently introduced White-label credential management feature. Now you can use HTML inline frame or iFrame to embed the credentials.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>Embedded Credentials Demo</title>
  <style>html, body, iframe { height: 85%; width: 90%; margin: 0;}</style>
  <iframe src="https://[eio_platform_domain]/embedded-credentials/[repoId]?workspaceId=[workspaceId]&ssoProviderType=[ssoProviderType]&ssoProviderId=[ssoProviderId]" />

The embed URL construction scheme is the same. Refer to the 22.20 release for details.

Pleass Note: End Users must enable pop-ups in their browser settings in order to use the embedded credential management.

Fixed bugs

  • Fixed the bug when an HTTP POST to /v2/workspaces/:id/secrets/:id/refresh endpoint would return outdated access_token instead of the newly refreshed value.


Qualtrics component 1.0.0

  • ADDED Get New and Updated Objects polling trigger
  • ADDED Make Raw Request action
  • ADDED Upsert Object action
  • ADDED Generate Custom Distribution Link action
  • ADDED Getting Survey Responses action
  • ADDED Lookup Object (at most one) action

Google Spreadsheets V2 component 1.0.1

  • IMPROVED the component behavior in case of 429 status code. Now it will retry the messages with an exponential backoff.
  • IMPROVED the component behavior in case of 5xx errors. The messages will be retried with an exponential backoff as well.

SFTP component 1.5.1

  • UPDATED component the component-commons-library to the version 3.0.1

SugarCRM component 1.1.6

  • ADDED email1 and email2 fields for metadata of Contacts module in the Upsert Action
  • UPDATED elasticio-sailor-nodejs to v2.6.29

Shopware V6 component 1.0.0

  • ADDED Make Raw Request Action

Request-Reply component 1.2.5

  • UPDATED the maester-client library version to 4.0.2
  • UPDATED the component-commons-library to the version 3.0.1

Zoho Subscription component 2.0.0

  • UPGRADED authentication mechanism to OAuth 2.0 and migrated to the Secrets service
  • UPDATED the sailor library to version 2.6.29
  • UPDATED build time dependencies