Product Update - v22.50

Details of the product update v22.50 from 15th of December 2022.


Updated Recipe Concept & Views

In this release we introduce a new dedicated page for recipe management accessible through the new Recipes menu item available under the Integrate section. Recipes enable Users to develop an integration once and then deploy that recipe multiple times for any of their clients or end-users. These recipes can contain single or collections of flows, from which end users can select the flows they need.

All recipes available to a User are now listed in the Recipes page. The format and style is deliberately similar to the Flows page so it is familiar to Users.


We display the number of deployments of these recipes on each Recipe Card. Each deployment can include more than one integration flows and these we display when you click Show Deployments on the Recipe Card.

You can deploy running integration flows from any listed Recipe by hitting the Activate button.

Recipe Card

Please note: you can delete the recipe deployment by selecting the cog menu on the recipe card. However, you can only delete recipe deployments with workspace visibility and only when you have Admin role in the workspace. You can not delete public recipes (those with Tenant or Global visibility).

Click on a recipe title on the card to open a dedicated recipe section which includes Recipe and Deployments pages accessible through the tabs on the top. The Recipe page contains information about the recipe. From here you can press Activate to create a flow based on this recipe.

Recipe Activation Page

Please Note: we changed the access URL of an individual recipe page. Now it contains the contract ID and has the following form: {base_url}/c/{contract_id}/w/{workspace_id}/recipes/{recipe_id}

If you have used this recipe before to create a flow, the Deployments page will list them all.

Recipe Deployments

From here you can:

  • Open the flows if you have the required workspace access.
  • Upgrade the flow using a new recipe version if available.
  • Delete the recipe deployment - severing the connection between flow and recipe.
  • Delete With Flows - deleting the recipe deployment with the associated flows (one recipe deployment can contain more than one flow).


New flow designer graph UI

We continue to improve our flow designer Page. Now when you create or change a flow you will notice a new, more uniform, design with components of the flow displayed inside squares instead of circles.

New flowsteps design

We have also updated designer page graph - now it uses react portal.


Plytix component 1.2.0

  • ADDED Product Bulk action

Shopify Admin component 1.6.6

  • UPDATED the Sailor library version to 2.7.1

MongoDB component 1.5.10

  • UPDATED the Sailor library version to 2.7.1

IPaas Core component 1.5.1

  • UPDATED the Sailor library version to 2.7.1

Amazon Selling Partner component 1.0.0 and 1.1.0

  • ADDED Execute operation Action
  • ADDED Make Raw Request Action

CSV component 3.1.6

  • UPDATED the Sailor library version to 2.7.1

AWS SQS component 1.1.0

  • ADDED Receive Messages Long Polling trigger

Shopware 6 component 1.1.2

  • FIXED schema to support both namings e.g. product_flat and Product
  • UPDATED Limited number of (infinitely in general) nesting depth of ‘parent’ and ‘children’ objects for Products metadata to 1
  • UPDATED the Sailor library version to 2.7.1