Product Update - v22.40

Details of the product update v22.40 from 6th of October 2022.


Developer Teams: New design & improved functionality

We continue to update our User Interface to improve ease of use. This time it is the UI surrounding Developer Teams that is updated. When you navigate to Development > Developer Teams you will notice new uniform design:

Developer Teams: New design

Along with the new design we added a functionality to delete the developer team using the User Interface. Previously this functionality was only available via an API call.

Please Note: You can only delete a Developer Team when it contains no respoitories. The platform will give an error if you attempt to delete it when there is even one repository.


Java Sailor version 3.5.0

A new version of Java Sailor library 3.5.0 is released. This update adds support for Java 17.


We constantly improve different aspects of HELM3 deployments in collaboration with our partners. This section lists updates and improvements included in this release.

Helm chart: Cron job resources defined

Platform has number of cron jobs performing different functions. With this release we added kubernetes resource definition for:

  • gendry
  • wiper conrjobs
  • git-receiver cronjobs
  • maester cronjobs
  • lookout cornjobs

Information in this section is intended for our customers who use the OEM version of the platform.

Force pull/push for externally built docker components

In this update of our automatic component delivery feature we introduce a new API endpoint to force pull of a component version from external docker registry: POST /v2/components/:component_id/docker-pull/:version. This endpoint forces pull of a component version from external docker registry. The component must belong to one of the user’s team which supports the docker registry.

Executions details loading and Clickhouse

To streamline the proper data replication between Clickhouse cluster and reduce internal efforts to constantly update the Clickhouse-mongo dictionaries with every update of Clickhouse version we performed the following changes:

  • The User Interface (frontend) will load flow and user names directly from the MongoDB, instead of the bran service.
  • Removed the Clickhouse-mongo dictionaries and all related resources. Our OEM customers can delete mongo dictionary from clickhouse instances and mongodb proxy from HA-Proxy.

Please Note: as a regular user of the platform you don’t need to do anything. You will not notice any difference. This change is for customer who run a version of of the platform on their premises.


Shopware 6 component 1.1.1

  • FIXED sample retrieving in some actions
  • IMPROVED Error handling in Get New and Updated Objects Polling Trigger

Microsoft Dynamics CRM v2 component 1.1.0

  • ADDED Get New and Updated Objects Polling Trigger
  • ADDED Lookup Objects (plural) Action
  • ADDED Lookup Object (at most one) Action
  • ADDED Delete Object By ID Action
  • ADDED Extract Raw System Metadata Action

REST API v2 component 2.0.14

  • UPDATED to use sailor-nodejs version 2.6.29

Microsoft Dynamics CRM


Updates to multiple components

  • UPDATED the sailor library to version 2.6.29
  • FIXED the vulnerabilities in dependencies
  • ADDED new headers User-Agent and x-request-id

For the following components: