Product Update - v21.19

Details of the product update v21.19 from 13th of May 2021.


Remove component versions from UI

You can now remove versions of components directly from the Build history UI of the repository in the developer teams in addition to the API endpoint.

Remove Component Version from UI

Define timeout per component

During the flow design process some components must connect with the third party services which might have slower response times or take longer to process the request. In that cases you can now define how long system must wait for the sample data retreival process for each component.

  • Set the new environment variable DEBUG_TASK_TIMEOUT in seconds to control the time.
  • If the variable is not set, platform will use the default value set in FORCE_DESTROY_DEBUG_TASK_TIMEOUT_SEC variable.
  • If multiple DEBUG_TASK_TIMEOUT variables are set for the flow components (i.e. for mapper and component after), the system will take bigger value of them.

Improvements and Updates

Component version display

You can now set your own component version to show in the platform UI when you use the version parameter without letter v in your component.json configuration.

  "title": "Petstore API (Node.js)",
  "description": "Component for the Petstore API",
  "etc_fields":"to show"

This would show as v1.0.1 when you select the component version while designing the flow, as well as in the list of deployed component versions in the repository of your developer team.

After you use the component version the following rules would apply:

  • Platform would check the version parameter and enforce the semantic versioning rules.
  • Platform would reject duplicate and lower versions.
  • Platform would reject absence version in case when the previous build has one.

News in this section are for our customers who use OEM version of the platform.

Registration page further optimisation

With this release we simplified the registration process to work with email and password. We removed the required first name, last name and company name parameters.

The registration process can get the necessary details from OIDC parameters if allowed or construct from the entered email address following the logic:

  • If user registers with an email address then
  • The Contract would have name.
  • The First Name will be abc,
  • The Last Name will be

Please Note User can change their contract name as well as enter complete first and last names if desired.

As areminder: You can enable the custom registration page in the tenant record following the instructions here.

Cached Browser Assets

With this release we enforce asset invalidation of browser assets after every platform deployment. The following assets would now contain short git revision IDs:

  • /webpack/filter-tree-worker..js
  • /webpack/single-spa.config..js
  • /frontend..min.js

Fixed Bugs

  • Addressed the issue with recipe creation from API when the component would have only a trigger function.
  • Fixed the UI bug when the component version names were sorted as strings instead of deployment date.
  • Addressed the issue with authentication secret based credential caching in the browser session.
  • Fixed the bug with authentication client data exposure in the UI. Now all client secrets are obfuscated even if you are the owner of the record.
  • Addressed the problem when authentication secrets service would remove the query parameters from the refresh token URL.
  • Fixed the bug when the platform would incorrectly redirect the user in case when he/she would login with OIDC provider.
  • Addressed the problem with error report emails which would get blocked when one of the subscribers were removed from the platform.


CSV component v2.2.0

  • UPDATED the write CSV attachment from JSON Array and write CSV attachment from JSON Object actions by adding a new separator - a pipe (|), to the list of separators.

Batch component v2.0.0

  • UPDATED the component to use an internal storage service called Maester.
  • UPDATED the Node.js sailor to v2.6.24.
  • DISABLED the MongoDB as an external storage (credentials are no longer supported).
  • REPLACED the Delete Batch After Retrieval feature in the Get ready batches trigger by Do Not Delete Batch After Retrieval feature.

Request-reply component v1.2.0 and v1.2.1

  • NEW action is now available: Reply With Attachment
  • FIXED a bug with sample retrieve in the Reply With Attachment action.