Product Update - v22.06

Details of the product update v22.06 from 10th of February 2022.


Step configuration: new design

As we announced in the 22.04 release notes we are introducing new look and feel for the integration flow step designer.

New Step Designer

The new step designer includes the following improvement and advancements to the flow step configuration process:

  • You can view more than one section of the step configuration by opening the desired ones individually. You can expand and collapse all sections.
  • The new view shows more information about used component, like the version, used function and credential ID.
  • We enforce Continue buttons for configuration fields to make it clearer.
  • The passthrough on/off configuration now resides in the Advanced Settings of the Summary section.

Improvements and Updates

The release 22.06 includes lot’s of work under the hood. Our team is working to improve and refactor some of the core microservices.

  • In case the platform detects simultaneous login sessions with the same account user will get notification email providing the details of new session.
  • We reduced your login session timeout time to 24 hours. This means in case of 24 hours inactivity you would need to login to continue using the platform user interface.

Old local agents removed

With the 22.06 we removed the old local agents from the platform. The code is refactored. You can not request old local agents anymore.


We constantly improve different aspects of HELM3 deployments in collaborations with our partners. This section lists updates and improvements done in this round.

Special release process for on-prem

With the 22.06 platform version we refactored and removed part of the platform code related the old Local Agents. For this reason a migration must be done.

Please note, you must do the migration.

Follow these instructions for installation:

Make a DB backup before the release since the migration will remove the following data:

  • It will remove local agents from all credentials, secrets and integration flow steps. As the local agents are actually not used by our customers anymore, this should not affect you.
  • It will remove RabbitMQ Boatswain (local agent related) vhost, queues, policies and users (platform admin user will stay).

Platform Monitoring sections

For our on-prem customer we are sharing our own monitoring and alerting information as an optional part of the HELM3 deployment. For details visit the dedicated monitoring page.

Changes to secrets

To reduce the login session timeout to 24 hours, you could set the COOKIE_MAX_AGE variable described here to 86400000 (24 hours in milliseconds).

The following environment variables were removed:


For up-to-date HELM3 chart descriptions check the dedicated HELM3 deployments page.


Bigcommerce Component 1.2.0

  • ADDED Create a Payment action
  • ADDED Orders support for lookup (both) and delete actions
  • ADDED API versioning to Make Raw Request action

Flow Linking Component 1.0.0

  • ADDED Trigger another flow action
  • ADDED Receive trigger from another flow trigger

IPaas Core Component 1.3.0

We release this component generally. These release notes include all updates from version 1.0.0 to 1.3.0

  • ADDED Fetch Dynamic Select Model action
  • ADDED Fetch Dynamic Metadata action
  • ADDED Lookup Object (Plural) action
  • ADDED Raw HTTP Request action
  • ADDED Lookup Flow action
  • ADDED Upsert Flow action

REST API with Arbitrary Token Authentication component 1.0.0

  • ADDED HTTP request action