Product Update - v22.32

Details of the product update v22.32 from 11th of August 2022.

Improvements and Updates

Continued improvements

As part of ongoing program of improving our code base and in-line with our ISO27001 processes we have recently completed a number of improvements to both address existing vulnerabilities and prevent potential vulnerabilities being released. Instrumental to this approach is the use of regular scans of our code base during back ups.

An high-level overview of our InfoSec standards and processes are available here.


We constantly improve different aspects of HELM3 deployments in collaboration with our partners. This section lists updates and improvements included in this release.

Scalability of services platform runs many services under the hood, such as webhooks, api, frontend, etc.

Most of these services can be replicated, which allows the services to be scaled horizontally to address the required load and volume. However, some platform services are inherently not scalable. In this update we removed the possibility to define scaling within HELM chart configurations for bloodygate and handmaiden services.

Information in this section is intended for our customers who use the OEM version of the platform.

Contract level custom metadata

We introduce a new possibility to add a custom metadata to the contracts. A new section called custom_data can be used to store non-sensitive string data up-to 1MB in size. To add, edit and read contract custom metadata you need to have contracts.contract.edit_custom_data permission (tenantAdmin has this permission by default) to perform POST, PATCH and GET calls to the /v2/contract API endpoint.

This new feature enables Tenant Owners to better differentiate different types of Contracts they supply to their Clients and Users. For instance, a selection of different Contract types can be defined and automatically created, deployed, and maintained using this metadata as basis. Each contract type can have a wide range of specified features, such as GB RAM quota limits, numbers of users or workspaces, and even connector whitelists.

Fixed bugs

  • We corrected the error type for the PATCH call to /v2/flows/{FLOW_ID} when an invalid team name or an invalid trigger/action name are defined in the command parameter. Now you will get 4xx type error instead of 5xx which better reflects the situation.


Shopify component 1.6.4

  • UPDATED error messages in actions
  • UPDATED Upsert Object action to match on criteria other than Shopify ID

Snowflake component 1.3.0

  • ADDED ability to read from views
  • UPDATED Polling Trigger to allow to Emit Individual Records

Updates to multiple components

Dependencies updated for the following Node.js components where updated: