Product Update - v20.15

Details of the product update v20.15 from 9th of April 2020.


You can put help links on different stages of integration Flow creation:

  • When creating and verifying new Credentials

  • When selecting trigger or action of the Component

  • When receiving Credentials errors

  • When configuring Component fields and mapping, etc.

These links will lead to corresponding documents. You can find information on how to configure help links here.

A Tenant admin may configure his Tenant with a component_docs_base_url attribute on the /v2/tenants API-endpoint. This configuration parameter is optional and if set, can be used in combination with relative URLs in component.json to construct a URL of the Component documentation. The value of property may be an absolute or relative URL. If the URL is absolute, frontend navigates to that URL. If the URL is relative, the component_docs_base_url comes into play.

NOTE: component_docs_base_url is for relative paths to component documents. If this URL is and component.json contains the following field "documentation": "/examplecomponent", on a frontend we will use as a link to the corresponding documentation. attributes.component_docs_base_url in Tenant model is an optional parameter. If this property is not set, relative URLs won’t be displayed. If set, please make sure /getting-started/credential.html page exists.

New API docs can be found here.

Configuring Credentials Help Messages

Update corresponding component.json by adding help: {description: ..., link: ...} property into:

  • credentials
  • credentials.fields[field]

Configuring Function Help Messages

Update corresponding component.json by adding help: {description: ..., link: ...} property into:

  • actions[action]
  • triggers[trigger]

Configuring Mapper Fields Help Popup

You will now see help icons in the new mapper. They will appear if the particular property in the metadata provides enough information:

  • If the property has examples field, we display the following text in the hep: “Here are some example values accepted by this field: X, Y, Z”, X, Y, Z being the elements in the examples array.

  • If the property is optional and has the default field, we display the text: “This field is optional. If you don’t provide any value it will be filled with X”, if default=X

  • If the property is of enum type, we display the following text in the help: “This field accepts a fixed set of values only. Following values are allowed: X, Y, Z” where X, Y, Z are the values of the enum

  • A combination of the abovementioned cases is allowed

Update corresponding component.json by adding "required": true/false, “examples": ["the array of examples values"], "enum": ["the array of enum values"], "default": "this will displayed in optional field if you don’t provide any value there" properties into[property].


Added new email_templates attribute to /v2/tenants endpoint:

    templateName: true | false

The attribute allows you to enable and disable various automatic Platform emails. Related new API docs can be found here and here.

Edit Message Before Retrying Error

If an error occurs due to bad inputs or a misconfiguration, you can now edit those inputs and submit the record for re-processing at the point of failure. This way you don’t have to process the entire message from the beginning of the Flow:

Edit message before retrying error

Static CSS Classes

You can now create your own JSS styles based on static CSS classes.

$getPassthrough() function

We introduced the $getPassthrough() functionality, which allows you to avoid hardcoded elasticio mentions while refering the passthrough step. Now you can use $getPassthrough().step_1.body.value instead of elasticio.step_1.body.value.

NOTE: The following Components must be be updated:


You can go from the record on the Logs Page directly to the associated thread now. In case the log record contains thread_id, you will see “3 dots” icon, which appears on hover. Click it and it presents a link that opens the execution you need:

Log to Thread

Threads Page Performance

Improved performance of getThread. Instead of doing 25 requests it does 1 that takes about 30% of the time of listThreads. Thus, the overall performance is 3 times better.

Raw Number Values

Number values can now be entered into number fields without conversion into string. The same principle works with Boolean values in Boolean fields.

Fixed bugs

  • If not specified during Tenant creation, css_enabled attribute will be false by default.

  • Fixed Continue button in the new mapper for Salesforce Component.


Filter Component

  • IMPROVED - added support for JSONata function $getPassthrough()
  • IMPROVED - added support for JSONata function $getFlowVariables()

JSONata Transform Component

  • IMPROVED - added support for JSONata function $getPassthrough()
  • IMPROVED - added support for JSONata function $getFlowVariables()

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 Component

  • NEW - introducing action Delete Object

Microsoft OneDrive Component

Introducing new Component for Microsoft OneDrive.

  • NEW - introducing action Create Folder
  • NEW - introducing action Upload/Replace File
  • NEW - introducing action Download/Lookup File By Path
  • NEW - introducing action Delete File
  • NEW - introducing trigger Get New And Updated Files

REST API Component

  • IMPROVED - added support for JSONata function $getPassthrough()
  • IMPROVED - added support for JSONata function $getFlowVariables()
  • FIXED - “No error and no response generated in case of unsupported Content Type” bug
  • FIXED - refresh_token now always checked during OAuth2 Credentials verification

Router Component

  • IMPROVED - added support for JSONata function $getPassthrough()
  • IMPROVED - added support for JSONata function $getFlowVariables()

Splitter Component

  • IMPROVED - added support for JSONata function $getPassthrough()
  • IMPROVED - added support for JSONata function $getFlowVariables()

Salesforce Component

  • IMPROVED - Get New and Updated Objects Polling Trigger now supports parent related object (__r)

XML component

  • IMPROVED - logs improvement for XML to JSNON action

Dropbox Component

Introducing new Component for Dropbox.

  • NEW - introducing action Create Folder
  • NEW - introducing action Get File By Provided Path
  • NEW - introducing action Delete File By Provided Path
  • NEW - introducing action Upsert (Create Or Replace) File By Provided Path

PostgreSQL Component

  • IMPROVED - split Connection String into different fields for convenience
  • IMPROVED - removed sensitive data from logs