Product Update - v21.39

Details of the product update v21.39 from 30th of September 2021.


Development section

With the platform release version 21.39 we introduce a separate sub-section to the navigation menu to logically separate the component Development from the rest. A new Development section includes the link to Developer Teams as well as the try metadata tool (mentioned in the 21.37 release).

Development menu.

The development teams are no longer linked from the contract management screen. Contract Members, Workspaces and the Quota Usages are still accessible via the Contract Settings section.

Improvements and Updates

The release 21.39 contains number of improvements under the hood which are not obvious for the users. Our team worked hard to:

  • Improve the alerting of some edge cases when some micorservices would report false failed hatchecks.
  • Extend the internal metrics collection from all microservices to Prometheus.
  • Improve error handling for non-2xx responses from the Mandrill which is used to send platform emails. This improvement would allow troubleshoot cases of failed email sends.

News in this section are for our customers who use OEM version of the platform.

Developer section

Newly added Development section can be hidden if desired via the following CSS parameters:

[data-key="developer-teams"] {
  display: none!important;

[data-key="metadata-test"] {
  display: none!important;

[data-key="development"] {
  display: none!important;


We are in middle of constantly improving various aspects of HELM3 deployments in collaborations with our partners. These are updates and improvements done in this round.

Certificate Manager

With platform version 21.39 we introduce a possibility to manage the SSL certificate using the certificate manager of your choice. The following changes were made in the Handmaiden platform microservice:

  • We introduce new optional environment variable called CERT_MANAGER_ISSUER_NAME.
  • If the CERT_MANAGER_ISSUER_NAME is specified, then will use the issuers for the ingresses, created by handmaiden tenant-operator. You do not need to create secrets in this case.
  • We also introduce the CERT_MANAGER_ISSUER_KIND variable. Default value: issuer. Use this value for the issuer annotation. If the CERT_MANAGER_ISSUER_KIND is equal cluster-issuer, use annotation in the created ingresses.
  • Default tenant certificate is optional (not created if not provided).

For the HELM3 declare the configurations and bind it to the handmaiden environment variables like:

#        name: letsencrypt-issuer
#        # Available values: issuer/cluster-issuer
#        kind: issuer

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed the platform API service response incorrect code (5xx) while making an HTTP POST call to the /v2/contracts/{CONTRACT_ID}/(un)suspend. Now the API responds with 204 if you try to un-suspend an active contract and with 202 if the contract is already suspended and you try to suspend it one more time.


Snowflake Component 1.0.0

  • ADDED new actions:
    • Custom query
    • Insert
    • LookupRowByPrimaryKey
    • DeleteRowByPrimaryKey
    • Select

Shopify component 1.4.2

  • ADDED a new action called Make Rew Request
  • UPDATED the node.js sailor version to 2.6.26

Splitter Component 1.3.0

  • UPDATED the Re-assemble message action. Implemented option to select processing behavior of incoming messages.